Category: Insights

  • What do CEO’s tell their children?

    What do CEO’s tell their children?

    I once asked the Discovery Founder and CEO Adrian Gore this exact question. His reply was as detailed as it was fascinating. This is from a 2018 discussion and is more relevant than ever. Discovery is a R100-bn company which impacts more than 25 million lives worldwide and with offerings via Vitality in more than…

  • Why you should never tolerate complacency

    Why you should never tolerate complacency

    What made SABMiller a world leader?“ someone asked in the Q&A part of one of my presentations recently. It requires a bit of explanation. Each of the many mega-successful South African companies that have taken their smart ideas global have done something particularly well. Nando’s created casual dining in the UK and took its superlative…

  • SA outlook 2023: Partly cloudy with a chance of a small rebound

    SA outlook 2023: Partly cloudy with a chance of a small rebound

    “South Africa is that peculiar kind of place where things are never as good as they should be, but never as bad as they could be.” The founder of some of South Africa’s most successful companies over the past five decades, swore to me it was Jan Smuts, the South African statesman whose presence loomed…

  • How tolerant are you of mistakes in your business?

    How tolerant are you of mistakes in your business?

    No-one likes mistakes, but here is something I have learned from one of South Africa’s most ambitious companies about how to tolerate risk-taking and deal with mistakes which inevitably will happen from time to time.   How tolerant are you of mistakes in your business?   I was having a meeting in the staff dining…