Category: Insights

  • Failure is not an option

    Failure is not an option

    I was chatting with a wine farmer friend the other day.  “How’s the harvest going?” I asked, aware of the challenges posed by the unseasonably wet summer.  “I wouldn’t be a proper farmer if I didn’t complain about something,” he replied.  It’s a sentiment echoed by farmers everywhere – if you’re not complaining, are you…

  • How to see the point

    How to see the point

    It was such a pleasure to have globally renowned artist Gavin Rain in the audience recently to witness how I have incorporated his magnificent work into my newest How to Thrive at the Edge of Chaos keynote.  We had not met previously, but I tracked down his number as I stood, mesmerised, in front of…

  • My ‘Send to all’ moment

    My ‘Send to all’ moment

    When last did you do something that scared you? Even just a bit.  Your comfort zone is a dangerous place to occupy for too long, so here is something I have done which you might find useful. In the spirit of former US first Lady Eleanor Roosevelt’s “Do something that scares you every day,” and…

  • The power of strong decision making

    The power of strong decision making

    Odds are you are eligible to vote somewhere in the world this year.  Are you excited by at least one of the choices, or are you simply turning up because there is someone you are desperate should not win? Many of those privileged to live in open democracies face slim pickings in an extraordinary year…