Bruce Whitfield Keynote Speaker

Bruce Whitfield helps leaders look beyond the noise of the news cycle and focus on what really matters to them for their long-term growth and sustainability. 

He delivers targeted, meaningful and memorable narratives to audiences who will never consume information the same way again.

Insights, inspiration and tactics for leaders trying to balance long term growth with short-term targets.

For teams trying to distinguish what matters in our information saturated world; and anyone trying to cope with the deluge of the daily news agenda

– Barry Davies, Chas Everitt International 

Bruce Whitfield helps leaders look beyond the noise of the news cycle and focus on what really matters to them for their long-term growth and sustainability. 

He delivers targeted, meaningful and memorable narratives to audiences who will never consume information the same way again.

Insights, inspiration and tactics for leaders trying to balance long term growth with short-term targets.

For teams trying to distinguish what matters in our information saturated world; and anyone trying to cope with the deluge of the daily news agenda

Insights, inspiration and tactics for leaders trying to balance long term growth with short-term targets.

For teams trying to distinguish what matters in our information saturated world; and anyone trying to cope with the deluge of the daily news agenda

“I don’t say this lightly; Bruce gave the best keynote speech I’ve ever seen”

– Alan Smith, Founder Capital Partners 

Provocative, memorable, entertaining, motivating, humorous

Bruce has also shared platforms with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nouriel Roubini, Charlize Theron, Lord Mervyn King, and hundreds of business and political luminaries. He’s a dynamic business speaker who knows how to read a room regardless of size or location. He draws on his vast journalistic experience behind cameras and microphones, and years of research as a best-selling author, to leave audiences inspired to think and do things differently. Bruce has delivered thought-provoking content to audiences from London to Dubai and facilitates relevant and necessary discussion.

As a seasoned keynote speaker, Bruce can work a crowd like few others, yet his keynotes are focused, concise, and perfectly paced.


Leadership Guidance: Offers practical strategies for effective leadership during times of economic uncertainty and change.

Decision making: In an attention economy, Bruce shares wisdom on cutting through the noise to stay focused and make the calls that matter

Innovation Inspiration: Provides insights on how businesses can innovate and adapt to stay competitive.

Engagement and Motivation: Uses humour and storytelling to keep audiences engaged and motivated, enhancing their experience.

Bruce Whitfield Keynote Speaker

Provocative, memorable, entertaining, motivating, humorous

Bruce has also shared platforms with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nouriel Roubini, Charlize Theron, Lord Mervyn King, and hundreds of business and political luminaries. He’s a dynamic business speaker who knows how to read a room regardless of size or location. He draws on his vast journalistic experience behind cameras and microphones, and years of research as a best-selling author, to leave audiences inspired to think and do things differently. Bruce has delivered thought-provoking content to audiences from London to Dubai and facilitates relevant and necessary discussion.

As a seasoned speaker, Bruce can work a crowd like few others, yet his keynotes are focused, concise, and perfectly paced.

Bruce Whitfield Keynote Speaker


Leadership Guidance: Offers practical strategies for effective leadership during times of economic uncertainty and change.

Decision making: In an attention economy, Bruce shares wisdom on cutting through the noise to stay focused and make the calls that matter

Innovation Inspiration: Provides insights on how businesses can innovate and adapt to stay competitive.

Engagement and Motivation: Uses humour and storytelling to keep audiences engaged and motivated, enhancing their experience.

Leadership . Managing Uncertainty . Inspiration & Motivation . Solutionist Thinking . Optimism & Opportunism in Business .

Make better long term decisions amid change


Bruce Whitfield Keynote Speaker

The future belongs to those who can best manage uncertainty and your success in an age of ambiguity, will be determined by the quality of the decisions you make. You will make better choices when you understand what shapes your thinking and why you respond to the world in the way you do.

Bruce’s new 45-minute presentation draws on material distilled from 50 000 interviews with founders, leaders, mavericks and entrepreneurs and shares insights into their motivations, drivers and incentives for those that want to lead into the future.

How to Thrive at the Edge of Chaos focuses on the importance of strategic decision making in an uncertain and rapidly changing world. The world faces an unprecedented number of “megathreats” and the way you approach those will determine whether or not you thrive in the current environment.

In the information economy in which we live there is no shortage of news, data and analysis upon which to base our decisions, however it can be overwhelming. What do you take into account and what do you ignore? Everyone one of us needs to harness one superpower – that is knowing what to ignore – and that is harder than you might think.

Bruce brings lessons from history and the present, using art and vivid imagery to keep his audience engaged and challenged throughout.

Who needs this presentation?

  • Leaders trying to balance long term growth with short term targets
  • Teams trying to distinguish what matters in our information and data saturated world
  • Anyone trying to cope with the deluge of the daily news agenda

What will the audience leave with?

  • An understanding of the news cycle and how it impacts each of us
  • Insights into how some of the worlds most successful individuals manage uncertainty and ambiguity
  • An ability to think with greater clarity and ask better questions about the decisions you need to take for your future.

Make better long term decisions amid change


Bruce Whitfield Keynote Speaker

The future belongs to those who can best manage uncertainty and your success in an age of ambiguity, will be determined by the quality of the decisions you make. You will make better choices when you understand what shapes your thinking and why you respond to the world in the way you do.

Bruce’s new 45-minute presentation draws on material distilled from 50 000 interviews with founders, leaders, mavericks and entrepreneurs and shares insights into their motivations, drivers and incentives for those that want to lead into the future.

How to Thrive at the Edge of Chaos focuses on the importance of strategic decision making in an uncertain and rapidly changing world. The world faces an unprecedented number of “megathreats” and the way you approach those will determine whether or not you thrive in the current environment.

In the information economy in which we live there is no shortage of news, data and analysis upon which to base our decisions, however it can be overwhelming. What do you take into account and what do you ignore? Everyone one of us needs to harness one superpower – that is knowing what to ignore – and that is harder than you might think.

Bruce brings lessons from history and the present, using art and vivid imagery to keep his audience engaged and challenged throughout.

Who needs this presentation?

  • Leaders trying to balance long term growth with short term targets
  • Teams trying to distinguish what matters in our information and data saturated world
  • Anyone trying to cope with the deluge of the daily news agenda

What will the audience leave with?

  • An understanding of the news cycle and how it impacts each of us
  • Insights into how some of the worlds most successful individuals manage uncertainty and ambiguity
  • An ability to think with greater clarity and ask better questions about the decisions you need to take for your future.

Who needs this presentation?

  • Leaders trying to balance long term growth with short term targets
  • Teams trying to distinguish what matters in our information and data saturated world
  • Anyone trying to cope with the deluge of the daily news agenda

What will the audience leave with?

  • An understanding of the news cycle and how it impacts each of us
  • Insights into how some of the worlds most successful individuals manage uncertainty and ambiguity
  • An ability to think with greater clarity and ask better questions about the decisions you need to take for your future.


How to Get Lucky:
Where Strategy, Opportunism and Grit Collide

Bruce Whitfield London Keynote Speaker

Luck is not a single, random event. It can and must be cultivated and exploited. How to Get Lucky: Where Strategy, Opportunism and Grit Collide, is drawn from the most critical lessons distilled through analysing successful global businesses for more than two decades.

Financial journalist, author and broadcaster Bruce Whitfield has been studying companies and those that lead them for nearly 25 years.

Great leaders position their businesses ahead of rivals to capitalize on opportunities that emerge in times of stress and disruption. That enables them to seize opportunities, often hidden in plain sight. Building any kind of enterprise in an increasingly digital, AI driven, fiercely competitive environment is hard, and success is never guaranteed.

You will often hear: “they were just in the right place at the right time”, or that their timing was “lucky” or they got a “lucky break” or that they were “just born lucky.”

This keynote is the perfect antidote to the prevailing negative sentiment afflicting many economies around the world as fears of recession and stagflation undermine leaders’ ability to shape their growth strategies for the future.

This talk is useful to all organisations looking to align their teams for growth.

Bruce Whitfield London Keynote Speaker

This keynote draws on inspiring case studies of people and businesses that succeed against the odds. How to Thrive on the Edge of Chaos challenges the prevailing, oppressively negative outlook and inspires your audience to act and achieve goals, regardless of the circumstances.

As the world goes from an extended period of abundance to one of increased scarcity, it may feel like we are teetering on a precipice. But Bruce’s 45-minute keynote inspired by his latest book, Genius. How to Take Smart Ideas Global, examines what it takes to not only cope in times like these but to thrive.

TedX Talks

The one skill you need to thrive in a turbulent world

Bruce has been studying company founders and what makes them tick for more than 20 years. He has defined one thing that makes those that thrive stand out from the rest. In an increasingly polarised world it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the barrage of information that is thrust at us daily. Here is how to focus in a world bent on stealing your attention away from what really matters.

In this thought-provoking keynote, Bruce Whitfield suggests incentivising industries for sustainable practices.

He draws parallels between combating climate change and Edwin Sabuhoro, Rwanda’s former game ranger, “poacher turned gamekeeper”solution. An approach that successfully reduced poaching in Volcanoes National Park. In this keynote Bruce proposes how banks can contribute significantly by providing performance incentive loans to corporate clients based on their climate outcomes. Can the convergence of Edwin’s approach and Bruce’s idea propel us towards a greener future?

TedX Keynote

In this thought-provoking keynote, Bruce Whitfield suggests incentivising industries for sustainable practices.

He draws parallels between combating climate change and Edwin Sabuhoro, Rwanda’s former game ranger, “poacher turned gamekeeper” solution. An approach that successfully reduced poaching in Volcanoes National Park. In this keynote Bruce proposes how banks can contribute significantly by providing performance incentive loans to corporate clients based on their climate outcomes. Can the convergence of Edwin’s approach and Bruce’s idea propel us towards a greener future?

Bruce, based in London, United Kingdom delivers keynote talks to international audiences.

Bookings also available via your favourite speakers bureau.