Money can’t buy you happiness, goes the old saying, but it lets you choose the kind of misery you prefer. Turns out people from Nordic countries are among the happiest people in the world. So clearly happiness is not about having perpetually wonderful weather or a moderate climate. There is more to it – not surprisingly – much of it revolves around money – more on that in a moment.
Since 2002, the World Happiness Report has used statistical analysis to determine the world’s happiest countries. Researchers analyze comprehensive Gallup polling data from 149 countries over three years looking at gross domestic product per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make your own life choices, generosity of the general population, and perceptions of internal and external corruption levels.
Occasionally there is jockeying for top spot – but using the measures above its much of a muchness between Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
Here is the interesting bit – not only are Danes amongst the happiest, but they are also some of the most financially literate people in the world, because their education system prioritizes it. The system teaches budgeting, saving, and planning efficiently and every year 20 000 young people participate in Danish Money Week, where financial professionals teach what they know to young people.
So where do you start? Have you heard of The Financial Freedom Pod with yours truly and certified financial planner Warren Ingram where each 3 minute episode where identify a common issue in the world of money, suggest ways of dealing with it and challenge our audience to take one small step to help them alter a habit and develop life long skills and be happy just like the Danes.