I recently shared the links to my podcast with a group of executives, to share with their teams, to improve the financial wellness, happiness and performance of their greatest assets – their people.
One response came from IQ Business Group CEO Adam Craker:
“I will be delighted to endorse the Financial Freedom Pod and believe what you and Warren are doing is highly relevant for our team of 1300 in IQbusiness and our sister company +OneX. I have also encouraged my son and daughter to subscribe – as my son starts work in a week, after completing his honours in Economics and my daughter enters 3rd year in Business Science. Their freedom is my freedom!”
“Their freedom is my freedom!” is so powerful. It’s applicable not only to your own kids, but if your staff are crippled by money worries, they are either going to come to you asking for more, or move elsewhere in search of higher pay. Who could blame them?
I firmly believe that as a leader, exposing your teams to our easy-to-follow, highly snackable 3-minutish episodes once a week, in which we lay out common problems, provide a brief lesson and encourage our listeners to take a simple, single action each week, we can help people manage their finite pool of money better.
People with fewer money worries are less distracted, able to focus better on their jobs and deliver better outcomes, which in turn may put you in a position to pay a little more to keep your teams together and functioning optimally.
Sign up below. We’ll make sure the rest happens.