Bruce Whitfield Keynote Speaker
Differentiating Your Event with a Keynote Speaker

While everyone welcomed the return to in-person conferences and events, these can often start to merge into each other if there’s no differentiating factor. You want to make sure that your attendees are benefitting from the best possible experience, and that your key messaging lands with your audience.

This is best achieved by securing an experienced and influential keynote speaker who will not only engage with your audience, but inspire real change going forward. Here is what you need to know about different keynote speakers and how they can impact your event.

How a Keynote Speaker Can Impact Your Event

The value of a London keynote speaker is far more than just an entertaining segway between events and talks. One individual can have a lasting impact on the audience, as well as your brand. Here are key ways they can impact the event.

1.     Marketing Reach

The added value a top keynote speaker will bring to your brand is immense, before, during, and even after it takes place. The speaker’s name recognition and previous accomplishments will be a big drawcard for audiences, boosting numbers on the day. You can also work closely with the keynote speaker on marketing strategies that encourage pre-event marketing, as well as post-event marketing for increased value.

2.     Audience Engagement

Another important role of the keynote speaker is actively engaging the audience and setting a tone for the remainder of the event. A truly authentic and captivating keynote speaker will command the stage, and hone their message for maximum impact. You can research the keynote speaker by analysing previous talks and reviews to ensure you’re getting someone with the skills to captivate.

3.     Lasting Impression

When looking for a keynote speaker to differentiate your event, the final quality needs to be the ability to create a lasting impression. You don’t want your event to just become like one of the others, fading into memory. Your keynote speaker needs to create a lasting impression, to share a really impactful message in a meaningful way so that your audience leaves inspired to change. By being memorable, the keynote speaker makes your event memorable as well.

Type of Keynote Speaker

There are various types of keynote speakers, depending on the theme and messaging of your event. Here are some of the ways they can differ.

1.     Educational

If you’re hosting an event aimed at educating the audience, such as a political event or scientific symposium, your keynote speaker will need to have a background in that specific field. The reason is that the audience will have subject knowledge, and expect the speaker to have even more insight into that subject.

Bruce Whitfield London Keynote Speaker

2.     Motivational

Often a business-focused event in the marketing or sales fields, or one that cuts across all industries, requires a motivational speaker who will leave the audience inspired. They will often outline challenges and provide inspirational and innovative ways to overcome them.  

3.     Influential

In a similar field is the influential speaker who wants to promote change in the behaviour or attitude of an audience. This is a good option when the company is battling with opposing voices or negative viewpoints and needs to get everyone on the same team.

4.     Entertaining

Finally, a keynote speaker might be primarily there to entertain the audience, not necessarily through messaging but rather through their own experience. From this, the audience can draw inspiration, but this keynote speaker is likely to be more of a humorous and captivating storyteller who can engage with a diverse audience.

What to Consider When Choosing a Keynote Speaker

As a guide to assist you in choosing the right keynote speaker to differentiate your event, here are a few things you should consider.

  • Relevance: Pick someone whose expertise aligns with the theme and messaging of your event.
  • Unique: Pick someone who brings a unique perspective to differentiate from other speakers.
  • Influential: An industry thought leader or influencer is a great way to elevate the status of your event.
  • Engaging: Your keynote speaker must be dynamic, and engaging even with a diverse audience.
  • Customisation: The speaker must customise the talk for your audience, tailoring messaging to your event.
  • Promotion: A keynote speaker should contribute to the event promotion in some way.

To set your event apart, you should book the best – Bruce Whitfield is an international business speaker, journalist, and author who interprets the noise at the murky intersection where business, politics and society collide. He will leave audiences enthralled while ensuring your event is the one to remember.

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