Category: Uncategorized

  • There are years where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen

    There are years where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen

    Last week was chaotically busy, and fun! In addition to in depth discussions with deep thinkers from the worlds of business, AI, accounting and leadership, I interviewed a sweet rapper, a very different experience from dealing with a sweet wrapper. I poked and prodded the global phenomenon that is Steven Bartlett, told one of the…

  • Why do you do what you do?

    Why do you do what you do?

    The word “purpose” is becoming as over-used as “innovation” was a decade ago. Few people will ever find real meaning in their work. For most it’s the thing that fills the gap between school-drop off and kids’ homework in the evening; its primary function is to earn the money required to pay bills. If you…

  • Avoid paying this tax

    Avoid paying this tax

    “In this world,” wrote American statesman Benjamin Franklin to French physicist Jean Baptiste Leroy as the French Revolution kicked off in 1789, “nothing can be certain, except death and taxes.” It’s as true today as it was 234 years ago. You are subjected to tax from the moment you are born till after you are…

  • The biggest thing l learned from Nando’s

    The biggest thing l learned from Nando’s

    Everyone nowadays uses the terms “purpose” and “values” as if they exist miraculously within their businesses.   Very few firms truly understand what their purpose is and even fewer have teams that buy into the values statement nailed to the boardroom wall because the leadership of the company does not live up to them.  …